Kelvin Wise

 In this episode we hear from Kelvin Wise, who is a Regional Emergency Management Officer (REMO) in Central West NSW for NSW Police.

It’s not the usual podcast with a featured rescue story, but instead it’s important all the same.

This time you’ll hear the flip side of rescue in the area of planning and preparation from the side of large-scale state and region based emergency management for a very large part of rural Australia.

Without spoiling his story too much, Kel has years of experience on the tools prior to going in to his roles of emergency management. Kel’s experience is not just on paper, but practically having worked over several jurisdictions and different organisations.

One of the “fun things” that Kel does in his role as a REMO is planning exercises for groups, not only as a table top events but as hands-on events in the field. One of the most recent multi-agency scenarios happened at the Dubbo airport to test the capability of the local emergency services. You can read a little more about it here.

I hope you get a lot of this podcast and learn a few new things, to think differently about your area of response.

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