Flood Boat Rescue on Albert River, QLD

Taken just after their flood boat rescue

In this episode of the Australian Rescue Podcast, we are going to hear the harrowing story  from QLDSES crew members Chris Holloway, Claire Browning and Jim Ferguson who rescued a family from the roof of their house during the April floods of 2017 south of Brisbane.

It was very early in the morning (3am) when the crew got the call to go and assist a family trapped on a roof somewhere along the Albert River in the Logan region. They were told that “there was no-one else available” to do the job.

It’s a great story of mateship, endurance and of rescue that they won’t be forgetting in a hurry.

These three QLDSES members still regularly train and still go out and do jobs together, but this episode’s chat was probably the first time they’ve all had a chance to sit down and discuss the job at length. 

After the event happened, the quiet achievers were presented with bravery awards from the Queensland Governor Paul de Jersey.

The rescued family was waiting in their house for the crew to arrive. About 10-15 minutes after being brought safety on the shore, the house broke from it’s foundations and floated down the river, as shown the in the (external) video as shown below.

 The family was sitting on the roof of this house before it floated away.


Watch the video of the house floating away and breaking up (on the ABC News Australia website) (* minor language warning)


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