In late December 2017, my three guests were called to an accident, as a car vs a tree. While, this is not unusual, what unfolded at the job is.
My guests are Chris Rogers, Shane Price and Crispin O’Neil who, between them, have about 50 years of rescue experience.
Along with about a dozen other first responders, they had the task of extricating a casualty who unfortunately remained trapped for over 2 hours.
Inherently with the job of rescue we all know that on rare occasions, long jobs (although inevitable) are usually uncommon. This job was particularly difficult, drawn out and unusual; because the final avenue for a successful extrication was to undertake a controlled roll of the vehicle… with not just the casualty remaining pinned but also other personnel still inside.
Strangely enough, it’s a job that didn’t receive any media attention, so consider this an exclusive.
As mentioned, the primary rescue unit involved in this job is the Pakenham Road Rescue Unit, comprising of Pakenham SES and Nar Nar Goon CFA. Dandenong CFA also attended with their rescue appliance as well.
Check out the photos and enjoy hearing this unique rescue experience!
Photos Source: Supplied